LESSON ONE MAYOWA'S PARENTS DIED EARLY AS A RESULT OF DISOBEDIENCE Disobedience is a very great offence. Mayowa's parents were fully aware that they ought not to go out that day. They went out because there was no food at home. They could have waited that day and drank only water throughout the day rather than disobey but, they sought for another way and they thought they could easily come back without anyone knowing. We are going to learn about obedience, patience, perseverance, self-will (deception) and disobedience. OBEDIENCE Obedience is better than sacrifice. Hearken to instructions, especially those from God. Obedience starts from small matters. Fast today, you could not fast. Pray for someone, you didn't. Put on this particular cloth, you didn't. Do something good, you didn't. Great men and women in God's kingdom are people of obedience. Noah heard the voice of God to build an ark according to a...