
Showing posts from June, 2023


 LESSON THREE The white missionaries brought the gospel to the villages and saved a lot of souls including Mayowa's grandmother and this led to the possibility of Mayowa being able to attend school and eventually becoming who God had destined him to be.  Missionaries are people that are sent on a mission which includes preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, winning souls for Christ, establishment of churches, schools, hospitals for the sake of the gospel, raising disciples of Christ and teaching and empowering other believers to also be involved in the work of missions. The white missionaries were zealous for God's work and were courageous enough to take the gospel to the dreaded Aba-eegun village. Do not be afraid to share the good news of Christ Jesus to anyone as you are led by the Spirit. You do not know if that would be the only chance of that person hearing the gospel message. You should not hesitate to preach the goodnews of Christ to a dying world, bring the message of ...