✓Your background is not the only determinant factor of your success. You might have come from a very humble background, you might say your family is as poor as a church mouse but, you must know that that, is not the end. It is only the beginning. So, quit the self-pity party and begin to work hard and trust God for good success.
P.S: You also need the Saviour Jesus Christ. Scripture says in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Chioma was becoming "successful" even before she came in contact with Jesus but she could not affect her family. However, things really turned around when she met Jesus. Joy came, success came, her prayers positively affected her family and those who surrounded her. It is only after we have accepted Jesus Christ that we become God's children and he can use us satisfactorily to establish his will upon the earth.
So, if you are yet to accept Jesus Christ, I beg you to do so. All these success in life will fade away, but a soul dedicated unto Jesus will never fade away.
✓Drunkenness is not a good habit. Scripture says "give strong drink to him that is ready to perish and wine to those that are of heavy hearts." The statement made is like an irony because, a person given strong drink will eventually perish if care is not taken and those of heavy hearts will still have heavy hearts, even, after drinking wine. This means strong drink and wine are not able to solve your problems. Immediately you come off the intoxication, you will still remember your sorrows. But, there is only one person who can help bear your sorrows and give you comfort. This is the person of Jesus Christ. He said "Come unto me all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28. It is only in Jesus Christ that you can find rest unto your souls. Come unto him today and he shall give you rest.
Do you need any further counselling or prayers? You can reach me. You can send a message to my email on my profile. Click on any of my comments. It will take you to my profile. There, you will see contact me. Then, click on email or, you can call or send message to me on WhatsApp via this line 09091055880. I look forward to hearing from you. God loves you. Jesus is waiting for you. God bless you.
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