LESSON ONE From the first episode in article two, we could see how Prince and Mrs Adeyori sought for a fruit of the womb for many years. It was a great moment of trial for them as they faced a lot of abuses, especially Mrs Adeyori. She was abused and called derogatory names. However, on the long run, after eight years of marriage, they gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Hallelujah! Delay is not denial. That you were delayed in getting a thing or a position does not imply that you won't get it or get there; as long as it is God's will. We must note that as children of God, we should only seek for God's will and nothing else, no matter how peasant that thing may be, if it is not God's will, we should not even desire it, but if it is God's will, we should hold on; if there happens to be a delay. Now, delay happens for some reasons. 1) Appointed timing: Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven". The...